Research & Development
AGES Commercial Demonstration Unit
Our first Commercial Unit has just begun to demonstrate this technology's unprecedented success in remediation. Prelimary test results from independent Maxxam labs has shown exciting results. Dean Stark Analysis was completed on the raw waste, the processed dry solid waste stream from bin, and the BS&W Analysis (Base Sediment & Water) of the recaptured hydrocarbon. The results for the recovered oil product proved to exceed the 0.5 BS&W requirement (pipeline grade), as it tested at 0.4 BS&W (first test sample) and 0.1 BS&W (second test sample). The following statements represent the demonstration unit without any additional modifications but do not represent the full scale capabilities of AGES technological offering.
Commercial Unit
Commercial Unit
Thermal Remediation Unit located in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
Industry waste supplied by one of Western Canada's largest Waste Management companies
Processed Drill Cuttings
Processed Drill Cuttings
Processed dry solid waste (left) & recaptured hydrocarbon (centre & right)
NOTE: Water introduced on right sample for visual only
AGES Demonstration Unit has the following capacity:
Ability to process 96+ tonnes of contaminated material per day pending material composition (capacity easily upgraded to meet client/industry requirements)
Handles upwards of 17m3 of hydrocarbon per day (based on testing of the moyno pump off oil surge tank - 0.7 m3 per hour)
Ability to heat contaminants to 450+ degrees Celsius
Waste stream transfers from the inlet to outlet in approximately 20 - 60 minutes pending composition
As per the pro forma, this unit has demonstrated the ability to generate $433,500 in monthly revenue (at the lower threshold); with capabilities upwards of $750,000 in revenue per month (calculations based on drilling invert/pending material composition)
Pilot Unit
The original pilot plant tests used a 100 lb/hr capacity Thermal Desorption Test Unit configured to operate as low temperature or high temperature thermal desorption, or combinations thereof. The pilot test unit was evaluated for its ability to remove and recover volatile organics and fixate non-volatile materials such as metals to a solid matrix, producing a benign by-product.
The pilot test was conducted over a three month period during which samples of the raw and treated material were collected and analyzed by AGAT Laboratories. Chemical tests included BETX, C1—C30 scan, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Total and Leachable Metals, Bulk Density and Soil Analysis. Test results were compared through the Alberta Tier 1 criteria. Results of the pilot test revealed the technology was capable hydrocarbon remediation to levels below the Tier 1 criteria. The residual hydrocarbon concentration in the treated material range from <10 mg/kg to as high as 250 mg/kg, with the limit being 1,000 mg/kg.
The general trend: the higher the operating temperature of the thermal unit, the lower the residual hydrocarbon concentration in the treated material. Removal of the hydrocarbon fraction was observed to concentrate the non-volatile fraction in the solids fraction. Results of the pilot test were compiled in a report entitled ‘Incal Remediation Treatment’ published by Hood Environmental.
Bench test results demonstrate the technology's capacity for complete hydrocarbon remediation and recovery using AGES patented oil/water separation unit for the production of a tier 1 soil residual. AGES retained Rod Facey of Falling Apple Solutions in 2013 to complete the preliminary bench tests and engineering related to its ground breaking patented Environmental Remediation Thermal Desorption Technology.
With Mr. Facey’s help, AGES has been able to successfully broaden the technical applications of the technology to process a wide array of hydrocarbon laden materials applicable to many other industrial uses. Outcomes of these prototype tests have determined the unit has capacity of up to 2 tonne per hour and is capable in the handling of moisture content of up to 20% by weight.
Testing to date indicates reliable and consistent operation with little to no downtime with adherence to regularly scheduled maintenance programs. Engineering Pro forma calculations have further posited waste management cost reduction of 30+% and elimination of associated liabilities regarding the treated waste product.
Industry roundtables provided guidance for responsive design requirements and were the driver behind key developments such as portability, limiting footprint, and power source options. To ensure a quality and range of application, engineering has addressed the machines ability to process a variety of material content (including chunks of rock without failing), moisture content variation, and the pivotal need for consistent feed capacity (optimal percentage) to allow for even heat distribution required for the thermal process.
Additional design modifications have addressed increased efficiency for the oil water separator, sourcing of high quality thermal screws, and the operation of the machine in Canada’s frigid winter temperatures.